Monday, October 22, 2018

Monday Blues?!

If you change nothing...Nothing will change

Do you ever have days when you just don't feel like "adulting" but of course you do it any way? Then the more you get into the day you realize you're not going to be able to come out of this slump without some much needed self care. That was my day today! I find that this will happen on Mondays unless I take some time on Sunday to prepare for the week. Well guess what...I didn't do that last night and I am paying for it today. Thank goodness I know myself and I have a self care plan down for days like today.

I went to my room when I got home from work, tidied up a bit, lit a candle, put on my salt lamps, played music low and began to read my self development books. YES...that is all needed for me to start feeling grounded again and to find my, as I like to call it "happy place". Within 30 minutes I was feeling much better and calmer. I was able to give more to my children and feel at peace inside.

Let's face it, as much as we try to plan out our lives with lists to check off, calendars to fill and planners that we keep in every corner of our homes. Life happens and we get caught off guard. We thought we had it all together and we didn't see it coming...sound familiar?!

I have learned in life that's it's always a good idea to have a back up plan or in today's case a SELF CARE PLAN. What calms you down, brings you peace and brings you back to YOURSELF?! Take the time to get to know yourself. Find those things in your life that bring you peace and then make a list. This will be your Self Care Plan. On days when you are ready to wave your white flag and give up, pull out this list and re-center yourself. There is nothing wrong with taking a little time for YOU. After all, how are you supposed to be your best self for others if you can't even be it for yourself?

Today I needed to find time for myself because if I didn't I know the rest of my week would have just continued to go down hill as every day passed that I didn't focus on my self care. I know as mothers, sisters, sons, daughters, employees, we often feel selfish if we stop and focus on ourselves because we live in a world that focuses so much on giving yourself to others constantly. But, you need to remember that if you aren't filling your own cup, how are you supposed to be able to give to others?! Think about this the next time you are feeling burnt out, tired, exhausted, sad, depleted & down.

Make your list today & remember to pull from it when you need to. If you need it every day, then pull from it every single day and don't fell bad about it. There is no shame in caring for yourself. It's so important & you will start to see such a difference in your life when you start to make your emotional and mental health a priority.

We are all juggling so much and we put so much pressure on ourselves. Make sure that you also take a step back and realize when that pressure is becoming to be a little too much. You will thank yourself, I promise you that. Love yourself enough to know when life is running you, instead of you running your life.

Today I let Monday get to me but not for long. I know myself well and I listened when I started to realize something wasn't right. Listen to yourself, your body and your mind are always sending you signs/messages but if you don't learn to recognize them and listen to them, you can end like me....with some major Monday Blues!!!



1 comment:

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine’s Day Loves! I hope this day treats you well and YOU treat yourself well. This year is the first year that I ha...